Business Recovery Strategies You'll Love
Seeking Help Isn't About Weakness - It Reveals The Bravery In You
There's No Need to Suffer In Silence
Worldwide studies are reporting that up to 49% of small business owners are suffering mental health issues due to the pandemic. Livelihoods have been under attack and most areas of family life have been disrupted. Such intense pressure can easily trigger mental health issues which left untreated can spiral out of control. Thankfully, much the of the stigma associated with mental health conditions have been addressed through education making it easier to talk about and reach out for support.
As a technology start up during the pandemic our work involved chatting to small business owners every day helping them implement survival and recovery solutions.What we never anticipated was the number of conversations we would have about mental health.
Our subsequent research found mental health charities in many countries warning of a “second pandemic” as their support helplines became overwhelmed by those desperate for help and support. Sadly for many, their torment won't end when the pandemic ends.
Alarmed by a worsening crisis we decided to do something practical to help. We’re proud to announce the introduction of several mental health resources for our clients as well as any small business owner in need of mental health support on the Costa Del Sol.
As a technology start up during the pandemic our work involved chatting to small business owners every day helping them implement survival and recovery solutions.What we never anticipated was the number of conversations we would have about mental health.
Our subsequent research found mental health charities in many countries warning of a “second pandemic” as their support helplines became overwhelmed by those desperate for help and support. Sadly for many, their torment won't end when the pandemic ends.
Alarmed by a worsening crisis we decided to do something practical to help. We’re proud to announce the introduction of several mental health resources for our clients as well as any small business owner in need of mental health support on the Costa Del Sol.
Discreet II Confidential II Supportive II Progressive
After discussions with mental health experts we've established an online Q&A Forum to help people get answers to often difficult questions. For more personalised support we’ve appointed a Mental Health Practitioner with over twenty-five years’ experience in the UK's NHS Mental Health Services. Initially, Max is available to provide support via live chat three days each week.
We’re also keen to raise awareness of the BBC Headroom website which offers lots of helpful information including an excellent Mental Health Toolbox which is available by clicking on this link - BBC Headroom. All services are completely confidential and free or funded by us. For further information about these services please contact us at [email protected]
We’re also keen to raise awareness of the BBC Headroom website which offers lots of helpful information including an excellent Mental Health Toolbox which is available by clicking on this link - BBC Headroom. All services are completely confidential and free or funded by us. For further information about these services please contact us at [email protected]
Important Note
Please note our support resources are not in any way a substitute for the emergency services.If you are in urgent need of assistance please contact the emergency services on 112. The UK Samaritan's charity also has a presence in Spain and can be contacted on 900 525 100 or by email at [email protected]
Anxiety and Depression Checklist - 10 Questions to Check Your Mental Well Being
Actions For Small Business Owners to Improve Their Mental Health and Well Being [pdf]
Actions For Small Business Owners to Improve Their Mental Health and Well Being [pdf]
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